Aligning D&I efforts with your organization's strategy, hosted by AGL Resources
The Science and Practice of Effective Allyship, hosted by Southern Company Gas
Beyond the Binary in the Workplace, hosted by Alston & Bird
Courageous Conversations at the NCCHR, hosted by UPS
The Secret Sauce of ERG Success, hosted by Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Diversity Education: From Reactive to Proactive, hosted by UGA Terry School of Business
Evidence-based Unconscious Bias Training, hosted by Georgia State University
Embracing Our Own Identities as a Prerequisite to Interpersonal Savvy and Cultural Agility, hosted by Georgia Tech
Courageous Conversations: Making America Civil Again! hosted by Georgia Tech and Mercedez Benz USA
Diversity World Cafe: Organizational Challenges and Opportunities in 2017, hosted by Goodwill of North Georgia
How Millennials Lead, hosted by Alston & Bird
Defusing Tension: Leveraging D&I Best Practices to Build Engagement hosted by Coca-Cola
Chief Diversity Officer Panel Discussion, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
The Ceiling is Crumbling: Women and the evolving workforce, hosted by Goodwill of North Georgia
Microaggressions and the Implicit Bias in the Workplace, hosted by Georgia State University
Research-based D&I Insights, hosted by Georgia Power
Building Behaviorally Smart Teams, hosted by Emory University's Goizueta Business School
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